Monday, November 3, 2008

The dissapointment of halloween...

As we discussed everyones Halloween weekend at work this morning, one of my coworkers mentioned Ed Levine's recent blog about the Ten Most Disappointing Treats for Trick-or-Treaters. I found it quite amusing and could relate with many of the top ten. I personally like candy corns and the small versions of your favorite candy bar (I agree fun size is a bit of an inappropriate name) but other than that I can relate.

Toothbrushes? Seriously? That is just plain cruel! It takes all the fun out of trick-or-treating. I don't want my kid coming home with that or any of the other stuff on the list. Isn't the reason we take the kids trick-or-treating is so they can bring home the good candy for us? Soon enough we are going to be left with a bag of suckers and tootsie rolls which will sit there until Crystal decides to go on a cleaning binge in the snack cabinet and they get tossed out.

Yesterday as Brayden and I were sitting on the couch disheartened in our (or my) agony over the Seahawks lack of offense he asked me to watch monkey (that is Brayden speak for Curious George). Since I figured monkey would be more entertaining than the game, I told him I would put it on if I could eat all his good Halloween Candy. Being only three and not really knowing much about candy yet he agreed. Okay so it's not true (other than the part about the Seahawks) that I blackmailed Brayden for his Halloween candy. I just fought Crystal for the good stuff when he went to bed.

Hope everyone had a good Halloween and checks out the pictures Crystal put up of our Astronaut and Recycled Lion!

Now that Halloween is over, I suppose it is time to begin thinking about the other holidays that are approaching way too fast. The best thing about Halloween being over though is that very soon I will be able to get reduced-fat Eggnog Latte's from Starbucks. Oh I can hardly wait as this is one of my favorite things ever!

1 comment:

Tiffany Nevil said...

...and that time is now! The bucks at the end of 512 has the holiday series! WOO-HOO!

Personally, my fav candy Coop got were the soft caramels...mmmmmmmmm